[Soot-list] Inter-procedural info-flow analysis for Java libraries

Darius d.sas at campus.unimib.it
Mon Nov 20 05:03:22 EST 2017


My name is Darius and I’m currently working on my M.Sc. thesis.
I need to perform inter-procedural info-flow analysis for a given Java library and I hope you can help me getting on the right track.
For my analysis I need to compute inter-procedural info-flow analysis for a given method of the given library, to see how the data from the method’s parameters flows in the library. Specifically I need to see which sensible sinks it reaches.

So far I’ve tried using HEROS in combination with Soot, specifically using the following code:
	       SootMethod sm = [the starting point of my analysis]
IFDSTabulationProblem<Unit, ?, SootMethod, InterproceduralCFG<Unit,SootMethod>> lif = lif = new IFDSLocalInfoFlow(new OnTheFlyJimpleBasedICFG(sm));
JimpleIFDSSolver<?, InterproceduralCFG<Unit, SootMethod>> solver = new JimpleIFDSSolver(lif);

But it throws this exception:
	Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: There is no main class set!
from the IFDSLocalInfoFlow.initialSeeds() methods.
Even if I overload the initialSeeds() method to return the initial seeds I want it gives me the same Exception (no main class set).

So my questions are:
- Since I want to analyze libraries, is there a way to avoid Soot asking for main class/method?
- Is my approach the correct approach?
- Is there a better way to do this?

Thank you for your time.
Best Regards,

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