[Soot-list] Is there a way to prevent Soot striping away variables/locals

Alessio Gambi gambi at st.cs.uni-saarland.de
Tue Apr 24 09:59:00 EDT 2018

Hi all,

I am using soot to generate bytecode, and from there I generate Java code using a decompiler.

My question is:

	I generate an assign stmt in which I capture the return value of a call, this includes defining the proper Local (named returnValue)
	and adding it into the locals of the method. 

	The local at this point is not used anymore (*)

	After generating the byte code and decompiling it, there’s no variable returnValue. I suspect soot is optimizing the bytecode
	and removes away the return value, since it is not used.

	If I am correct, is there a way to change this behavior?


— Alessio

(*) This is part of a large pipeline, and later stages will elaborate on this local variable, so it cannot be freely modified.
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