[Soot-list] Static Analysis

Gregor Beatson gregor.beatson at gmail.com
Sat Dec 1 08:44:37 EST 2018

Hi everyone,

I'm planning on making a static analysis tool which would focus on Android
permissions and their potential misuse. Currently I am looking at using
Soot to decompile the APKs into jimple, and performing the analysis on that.

The main example I can find to do with using Soot on Android apps comes
from here:

However, I am unsure of how relevant this is for me. I need to be able to
go through the code to detect uses of permissions. At first, the
'transformer' seems to provide this functionality, but on further
inspection it seems that it is used to modify the source code rather than
perform analysis on it. In this context, does 'transform' literally mean to
transform (modify) the code, or is it general enough that it could be used
for my purposes? Is there something else in Soot that would do this, if not
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