[Soot-list] Soot Dacapo Issue

Zhou, Tong tz at gatech.edu
Fri Feb 1 18:31:34 EST 2019


I am trying to follow the tutorial from https://github.com/Sable/soot/wiki/Using-Soot-and-TamiFlex-to-analyze-DaCapo, but ran into an error.

I first ran "java -javaagent:poa-x.y.z.jar -jar dacapo-9.12-MR1-bach.jar avrora" and that dumped some classes in "out/" (dumped classes). But when I tried to run Soot on these dumped classes, Soot had difficulty resolving classes that are not dumped but referenced by the dumped classes. I also tried "-allow-phantom-refs", and that couldn't fix it either. Both "out/" and dacapo.jar were in Soot's class path. Anyone know how to fix this? I just wanted to run Soot just on the argument classes, without having to resolve all referenced classes. Either suppressing this resolving or fixing it works for me. Thanks!


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