[Soot-list] how to make sure my internalTransform is executed at the very end

Ishaq ishaq at ishaq.pk
Fri Jan 18 11:38:59 EST 2019


My code essentially constructs def use chains (I store the Stmt/Unit
objects in a map). However, once the internalTransform has finished
running, some of them become null e.g. an IfStmt whose condition was "i23_1
>= 100", now looks has "0 >= 100" and it's target is now null.

I am assuming this happens because Soot optimizes away the unnecessary
variables (e.g. in the above case, it figured out that i23_1 was always
going to be 0 and hence, there was no need for conditional jump).

Problem is that I need my def-use chains to be constructed from the final
optimized soot shimple so that it remains valid when I use it later.

How do I ensure that my internalTransform is executed after Soot has made
all its changes to the code?

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