[Soot-list] How can I get a complete callgraph of transitive dependency?

captain....@gmail.com captain.bastian31 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 10:15:31 EDT 2020

For example, I have a dependency (called D1) in my project(called P) and 
invoke a method of D1(called D1.M1) in a method of project(called P.M), by 
using soot, I can get the callgraph edge(P.M->D1.M1).
And D1.M1 invoke a method of another dependency(called D2.M2), how can I 
get the edge(P.M->D1.M1->D2.M2)
Now my code is below:
argsList.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[]{ // "-android-jars", 
"/Users/huangkaifeng/Desktop/SootExec/android.jar", "-allow-phantom-refs", 
"-w", "-keep-line-number", "enabled", // "-no-bodies-for-excluded", "-cp", 
libsAll, "-process-dir", classesPath1, "-p", "jb", 
"use-original-names:true"}));//classPath1 is the path of D1

I tried to use "-process-dir",classesPath1,classPath2 //classPath2 is the 
path of D2 but failed to get the edge of D1.M1->D2.M2. Can soot generate 
the complete callgraph of itransitive  dependency?

Thank you for your help.
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