[Soot-list] Fw: Support for FragmentPageAdapter

Faridah Akinotcho faridath.akinotcho at yahoo.fr
Tue Oct 27 02:16:37 EDT 2020


My name is Faridah Akinotcho and I am working on using Soot to extract information necessary to build a model of an Android application.For each screen of the application, I need to identify sub-elements such as fragments or drawers. I noticed that some of the fragment classes are missing from my model and this corresponds to activities where Fragments are added using FragmentPagerAdapter.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but it seems like fragments added with this type of adapter are not handled. Is there any chance you could provide me with some pointers on how to proceed to add support for this, when identifying the fragment classes ?
I am using soot-infoflow-android v2.7.1 and running on an application from the RecDroid dataset: https://github.com/AndroidTestBugReport/ReCDroid/blob/master/Evaluation%20Result/apks/8.AnyMemo-v10.10.1_debug.apk
Best regards,Faridah Akinotcho  
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