[Soot-list] Inserting RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations using Soot

Shreyansh Kulshreshtha b17062 at students.iitmandi.ac.in
Thu Mar 4 04:20:10 EST 2021

Dear All

I am working on a project in which I have to insert certain annotations
using soot similar to the one in

> for (@Parallel int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
>             y[i] = alpha * x[i];
> }

I checked the .class file for the representation of annotations in the
bytecode using javap and found the following in the saxpy function.
        0: #52(): LOCAL_VARIABLE, {start_pc=14, length=27, index=5}

But on using method.getTags() ,I am only getting the name of the annotation
(VisibilityLocalVariableAnnotationTag), but no other information is visible

Can you please help me read these annotations as well as insert them using


Shreyansh Kulshreshtha
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