5th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the
State Of the Art in Program Analysis
(SOAP 2016)

Co-located with PLDI 2016 in Santa Barbara, California. The workshop will take place on June 14th, the day right before the main conference.


The schedule will be published here once the papers that will be presented at the workshop have been chosen.

Call for Papers

Static and dynamic analysis techniques and tools for Java and related programming languages have received widespread attention for a long time. The application domains of these analyses range from core libraries to modern technologies such as web services and Android applications. Over time, analysis frameworks, for example, Soot, WALA, Chord, and Doop, have been developed to better support techniques for optimizing programs, ensuring code quality, and assessing security and compliance.

Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, the Soot community brought together its members and other researchers by organizing the International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Java Program Analysis (SOAP), since 2012 in conjunction with PLDI. The presentations and discussions have helped share new developments and shape new innovations in program analysis. SOAP 2015 will enhance that positive experience with a broadened scope to also emphasize other analysis tools than Soot and other programming languages than Java.

For SOAP 2016, we invite contributions and inspirations from developers and researchers working with program analysis regarding exciting framework ideas, innovative designs, and analysis techniques, including preliminary results of work in progress. We will also focus on the state of the practice for program analysis by encouraging industrial participants. We would like to gather the minds behind the main code analysis frameworks (Soot, Wala, and Doop) for two primary purposes. The first is to discuss the lessons they have learned throughout the process of designing those frameworks. The second is to plan the future, as a community of users of these frameworks, by identifying our wish­list if we are about to design our ideal code analysis framework.


The workshop will take one day and will feature invited talks by leading members of the program analysis community, presentations of all accepted refereed papers, and time for discussion.

Important Dates

Paper submissions: March 15 March 22, 2016  
Notification of authors: April 15, 2016
Submission of camera-ready copies: May 1, 2015
Workshop date: June 14, 2015


Submissions should be four to six-page papers in ACM SIGPLAN proceedings style. Some possible types of submissions for this workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • A report on a novel implementation of a program analysis, with a focus on practical details or optimization techniques for obtaining precision and performance.
  • A description of a new analysis component, for example, front-ends or abstract domains.
  • A report describing an innovative tool built on top of Soot or another program analysis framework.
  • A compelling use case for a feature not yet supported by existing analysis tools, with good examples and an informal design of the proposed feature.
  • An idea paper proposing the integration of existing program analyses to answer interesting novel questions about programs, for example in IDEs.
  • An experience report on the use of a program analysis framework.

Submissions must be handed in as PDF using EasyChair:


Accepted papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library. At least one author of each accepted paper must register as a regular participant and present their paper in person.

Accepted Papers

  • Towards Cross-Platform Cross-Language Analysis with Soot, Steven Arzt (TU Darmstadt & Fraunhofer SIT), Tobias Kussmaul (TU Darmstadt), Eric Bodden (Paderborn University & Fraunhofer IEM)
  • Toward an Automated Benchmark Management System, Lisa Nguyen Quang Do (Fraunhofer IEM, Paderborn), Michael Eichberg (Technische Universita ̈t Darmstadt), Eric Bodden (Paderborn University & Fraunhofer IEM)
  • Verifying Precise Floating-Point Optimizations in LLVM, Andres No ̈tzli and Fraser Brown (Stanford University)
  • Iceberg: A Tool for Static Analysis of Java Critical Sections, Michael D. Shah and Samuel Z. Guyer (Tufts University)
  • On The Unsoundness of Static Analysis for Android GUIs, Yan Wang, Hailong Zhang and Atanas Rountev (Ohio State University)

Invited Talks

Sorin Lerner (UCSD), Grammatech, and more to be added


Organizing Committee

Program Committee

Previous workshops/tutorials

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