Package step.typedef

Provides the abstractions that define the run-time versions of STEP types.


Interface Summary
StepDef An object that can be converted to all or part of a STEP-DL definition.

Class Summary
Attribute Abstraction of a STEP attribute.
DerivedRecordDef The definition of a derived STEP record type.
FieldDef Abstraction of a STEP field defintion.
FieldDef.Builder Create field definitions with the Builder pattern.
FieldModifier Abstraction of a STEP field modifier.
InheritedFieldDef The definition for a field that is inherited from a parent type.
LocalFieldDef The definition of a local (as opposed to inherited) field.
Package A STEP package.
RecordDef The definition of a STEP record type.
RecordDef.Builder Create record definitions with the Builder pattern.
Type Abstraction of a STEP type.
TypeDef A definition for a STEP type.

Exception Summary
RecordDefNotFoundException Indicates that a record's definition could not be located.
ResolveException An exception generated during the resolution of type definitions.

Package step.typedef Description

Provides the abstractions that define the run-time versions of STEP types.