Title: Program Behavior Sequence Prediction Authors: Bo Wu, Yunlian Jiang, Xipeng Shen Speaker: Bo Wu Abstract: Effective prediction of program dynamic behaviors is essential for program optimizations and beyond. Most prior explorations have concentrated on prediction accuracy, but largely ignored the other two important aspects, prediction scope and proactivity. This paper describes our exploration towards the development of sequence predictors, which, at one time point, predicts a sequence of program behavior instances rather than a single instance as traditional predictors do. Moreover, in many cases, a sequence predictor is able to predict even before the current execution sees the first instance of the target behavior, offering high proactivity. To overcome the special challenges for sequence prediction that arise from context variations, weakened behavior locality, and pattern variety, we propose a solution that exploits intra-behavior pattern recognition and inter-behavior correlation analysis synergistically. Experiments on loop trip-count prediction demonstrate that the proposed approach makes it feasible to construct sequence predictors that forecast program behaviors in a large-scoped, proactive manner, hence opening up many new opportunities for program optimizations and parallelization, system resource management, and architectural reconfigurations.