01: /**
02:    A class for producing simple greetings.
03: */
05: public class Greeter
06: {
07:    /**
08:       Constructs a Greeter object that can greet a person or 
09:       entity.
10:       @param aName the name of the person or entity who should
11:       be addressed in the greetings.
12:    */
13:    public Greeter(String aName)
14:    {
15:       name = aName;
16:    }
18:    /**
19:       Greet with a "Hello" message.
20:       @return a message containing "Hello" and the name of
21:       the greeted person or entity.
22:    */
23:    public String sayHello()
24:    {
25:       return "Hello, " + name + "!";
26:    }
28:    private String name;
29: }