COMP 621 Program Analysis and Transformations
Assignment #1

Profiling and Traditional Flow Analysis

Due: Thursday Oct 6th, beginning of class

Milestone update (via e-mail) due on Monday, Sept 26


The purpose of this assignment is two-fold. The first purpose is to participate in the collection or creation of benchmarks that will be used later in the course for testing our optimization, parallelization, and analysis methods. The second purpose is to give you some experience with stating and solving dataflow problems.

Question 1: Benchmark Programs

Benchmark programs form an important part of the development of new optimization, analysis, and parallelization techniques. Without some sort of quantitative measurement, we cannot really evaluate how well the new techniques work. In order to build up a comprehensive benchmark suite, each person will provide one program that can be incorporated into the suite.

This year, you will be using MATLAB and AspectMatlab. You learned about MATLAB in Assignment #0, and you will be given an introduction to AspectMatlab in class. The web page for AspectMatlab is If you get stuck using the tools, please consult with the TAs and share your expertise with other class mates.

When choosing your benchmark, consider the following:

We created a template for MATLAB benchmarks that satisfies most of these criterias, except it does not compute something interesting:

You may use it as a starting point for organizing your benchmark code.

Recommended: following the Wu-Wei conventions to leverage existing tools and facilitate reuse

Moreover, the previous template is compatible with the Wu-Wei Benchmarking Toolkit that you were invited to try in assignment #0. By modifying the template to add your code and keeping to the Wu-Wei conventions, you will be able to use the tools to automate some of the manipulations and make your life easier in addition to allowing other students to reuse your benchmark for their course project (and inversely). If the benchmark is sufficiently good, we might even include it into one of our suite and give you credit for the work!

Although the toolkit has been used for two publications and a Master thesis and has proven quite a time-saver, there may still be limitations or bugs that make it unsuitable to the kind of benchmark you would want to choose or requires you to read some extra documentation. Since it is the first year we try it with COMP 621 students and we are calibrating the workload required, it is optional. However, we will be very impressed if the benchmark you hand-in is compatible with the toolkit and therefore easy to reuse.

If you decide to use the toolkit, follow the Wu-Wei specific instructions, indicated with the -ww suffix. If you are part of the Sable lab, it is highly recommended that you use the tools as they will probably become handy as part of your research project. In any case if you get stuck with the tools more than 20 min. after reading the relevant sections in the handbook (, preferably write your questions in the Gitter chat room or otherwise send an email to the TA at

Where to look for a benchmark

There are many places to look. Here are a few possibilities:

If you plan to use Wu-Wei, it is much easier if the input data is generated from a random number generator before being passed to the computation kernel, as done in the MATLAB template provided. The convention for reading input files are still being determined.

Steps you must do

Give a brief description of your benchmark which highlights the important or interesting characteristics of the program. Describe it both from the scientist/engineering point of view (why this is an interesting/important problem) and from the compiler optimizer point of view (what features make it interesting to optimize).

Do step (a). Then, read the handbook "Overview" and then the "Create a new implementation" guide

Once you are done, modify the benchmark template and the Matlab implementation template to add your source code and make sure they work with the Wu-Wei tools. wu list should list your benchmark. Then install the required compiler and execution environments with wu install Test your benchmark with wu run matlab-2016a-jit -v to test on the latest version of MATLAB. Then test your benchmark with all the versions of MATLAB and Octave with wu run -v. Make sure it runs to completion and you see no errors.

Describe how to run the benchmark, and describe the required formats for inputs and which different inputs you have provided.

You can skip this part, the Wu-Wei conventions are doing it for you (Yay!).

Run your benchmark using a Mathworks production version of MATLAB. Run the benchmark 10 times, then report the min, max, average and standard deviation of the 10 runs. You will probably want to write a script to do this task.

Report the version of MATLAB that you used.

Report the architecture and OS on which you did the experiments.

Run the experiments 10 times by typing wu run -n 10. Consult the results with wu report. Report the min, max, average, and standard-deviation that are computed automatically for you (Yay!).

Report the information that is given you by wu platform it should include the OS and architecture and some additional information. The same information is present in the 'runs/latest/run.json' which also include the performance measurements you made.

Define an aspect using AspectMatlab which can be used to count or profile some feature of your benchmark. This could be a very simple aspect which counts the total number of array accesses and/or the total number of function calls. However, it could also be something more interesting. Give the source code for your aspect and explain its purpose.

Compile your original benchmark, along with your aspect using the AspectMatlab compiler. Report on any problems which could be improved by better static checks or better error messages.

Install the AspectMatlab compiler with wu install Test that the default aspect used by the compiler correctly compiles your benchmark with wu build aspect-matlab -v. Replace the default aspect with your own by:
copying your file into compilers/aspect-matlab directory in your Wu-Wei repository;
modifying the compiler.json file to replace the examples/grow.m file with the path to your file. Test the compilation of your benchmark with the newer aspect with wu build aspect-matlab -v.

Run the compiled/woven Matlab code using Mathworks MATLAB and report on run-times as in (c). You may have problems executing the compiled/woven code on newer versions of MATLAB so use the 2013a (SOCS: /usr/local/pkgs/matlab/R2013a/bin/matlab) and 2014b (SOCS: /usr/local/pkgs/matlab/R2014b/bin/matlab) versions for your tests.

Run the compiled/woven code on these two versions by doing wu run aspect-matlab matlab-2013a-jit matlab-2014b-jit -v. Compare the results with the previous ones with wu report. To report the profiling performed with the aspect, you have at least two options:
Modify the 'runner.m' script to print the information before displaying the timing results. Be careful that your runner still works when the aspect is not woven. The printing should therefore be conditional on the presence of the global object that holds the profiling information;
Start MATLAB from the build directory obtained when doing wu build -v. Manually call the runner from the interpreter with the proper parameter(s). Manually print the profiling information;
Anything else you may think of.

Discuss the results of (f). Did introducing your aspect slow down the program substantially? If so, why? Did your aspect provide you with interesting profiling results. If so, what?

Starting with the original benchmark code, profile the execution using the Matlab profile function as documented at, or the IDE profiler as documented

Summarize your profile results. Based on this profile discuss which are the most important parts of the program to optimize?

There is no support in Wu-Wei at the moment. You may simply start MATLAB from the benchmark implementation directory and call the runner function directly after activating the profiler.

Based on your observations from (h), find some part of your program that you can optimize by hand (i.e. rewrite the Matlab code for that part to be faster). Perform the rewriting and explain why you think it will improve performance. Using your hand-optimized code, rerun your timings for Mathworks MATLAB and report on the results and the speedup/slowdown as compared to the unoptimized version. Discuss your results.

Follow the instructions in the guide (first case) to add your optimized implementation to your benchmark. Call your optimized version 'matlab-optimized'.

Give feedback on your experience with the tools, both positive and negative. What was easy? What was complicated/hard to understand? Which step(s) took the most time?

What to hand in

Question 2: Putting analysis to practice

Assume the following simplified C-like language which also has some Matlab-like features.

<stmt_seq>   ::= <empty_stmt> | <stmt> <stmt_seq>

<stmt>       ::= <basic_stmt> ;  | 
                 if ( <cond_expr> ) <stmt> else <stmt>  |
                 while ( <cond_expr> ) do <stmt>  |
                 do <stmt> while ( <cond_expr> ) ; |
                 { <stmt_seq> }

<basic_stmt> ::=  <id> = <id_const> <bin_op> <id_const> |
                  <id> = <id_const>         |
                  <id> = read_int()         |
                  <id> = read_double()      |
                  <id> = read_array( <id_const>, <id_const> ) |
                  <id> = <id_const>  |
                  int( <int_const> ) |
                  sum( <id> ) |
                  transpose ( <id> ) |
                  write( <id> )      |

<cond_expr>       ::=  <id_const> <relop> <id_const>

<id_const>   ::=  <id> | <int_const> | <double_const> | <array_const>

<bin_op>     ::=  + | * | - | /  | mod   

<rel_op>     ::=  < | > | <= | >= | == | !=

This language has three types of variables, scalar integers, scalar doubles and two-dimensional arrays of doubles.

Scalar integers are created via a call to an integer creator, (i.e. int(3)), or via read_int.

Scalar doubles are created via a real constant (i.e. 3, 3.0 or 3e10), or via read_double. Note that 3 denotes the same double value as 3.0.

Arrays of doubles are created via the array constant (i.e. [3.0, 4.0; 5.0, 6.0] would create a 2x2 array), or via read_array.

The rel_op operators must get two scalar arguments, and the result is always the integer 1 for true or the integer 0 false, these values are used to determine control flow. The bin_op operators can have arguments of any of three data types.

The typing rules are dynamic (i.e. checked at run-time) and are summarized as follows:

int bin_op int -> int
int bin_op double -> int
double bin_op int -> int
double bin_op double -> double
array bin_op array -> array
sum(array) -> double
transpose(array) -> array
int rel_op int -> int 
double rel_op double -> int

Any other combination of argument types gives a runtime error.

Consider the following example program.

 1:  n = read_int();
 2:  m = read_int();
 3:  x = read_array(m,n);
 4:  y = read_array(n,m)
 5:  if (n > m)
 6:    { s = 0;
 7::      do { 
 8:        t1 = x * y;
 9:        t2 = sum(t1);
10:        t3 = s + t2;
11:        n = n - 1;
12:      } while (n > 0);
13:     write(s);
14:    }
15:   else  
16:    { p = 1;
17:      i = 0;
18:      x_tr = transpose(x);
19:      while (i < n)
20:        { t1 = sum(x);
21:          x = x + t1;
22:          t2 = sum(x_tr);
22:          if (t2 < 0) 
24:            break; % breaks out of closest enclosing loop
25:          p = t1 * t2;
26:          i = i + 1;  
27:        }
28:      write(p);
29:    }
30: write(t1);
31: write(n);

Draw a typical control flow graph (CFG) that could be used to represent the entire program fragment, putting the statements in basic blocks where possible. Function calls do not break basic blocks.

Indicate the extended basic blocks for the CFG you created in part (a).

Draw the Dominator Tree for the CFG from part (a). Identify the loops, explaining how how found them.

Assuming that we can represent a definition by a pair (varname,lineno), (i.e. the definition at line 4 would be (y,4)), what are the set of definitions that may reach the input of lines 5, 7, 8, 12, 16, 18, 24, 28 and 30 in the example program? As an example, the set of definitions reaching the input of line 2 is { (n,1) } .

Based on reaching definitions, what optimizaton(s) could be done on the example program?

What variables are live at the input of lines 30, 28, 26, 22, 18, 16, 13, 10, 7, 5 and 1 in the example program?

We can define a variable x to be super live at program point p if x will be used (before being redefined) and all paths from p to the end. Give the definition of super live analysis for the example language, using the steps for defining an analysis you learned in class.

Give a small program fragment which contains the statement x = y and on some path y is integer, whereas on another path y is double. In this case x will sometimes be integer, and sometimes double.

Give a small program fragment containing a loop which contains the statement x = transpose(y), where y has an array type on one path and integer type on another path. In this case there is at least one path that leads to a run-time type error.

Define a static analysis which approximates for each statement, the set of possible type each variable could have on input, and on output of the statement. Show the results of your analysis on the two examples from (g) and (h).

Describe two potential uses of the analysis you defined in (i).

Design and formalize an analysis to identify which program variables may be stored as integers. Give the rules for your analysis, and the types it would compute for the example program.

What to hand in

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