COMP 762 Advanced Topics: Programming I

Big Data meets Programming Languages and Compilers

Fall 2015


  • First class is Tuesday, Sept 8, McConnell 320, 2:30pm

This is a seminar-based course which will focus on big data as it relates to programming languages and compilers. It is intended for advnaced students with a background in programming languages, compilers, databases or machine learning. Course participants will be actively engaged in reading and presenting state-of-the-art research papers.

Prerequisites: Student must have completed graduate courses in at least two of programming languages, compilers, databases or machine learning and have the permission of the instructor.

This web page acts as the official course outline.

Contact Info

  • Professor Laurie Hendren,
  • McConnell 228
  • Office hours Mondays 2:30-3:30pm

Marking Scheme

  • 3 presentations, 25% each (total of 75%)
  • Meeting deadlines, participation and evaluation of other presentations, 25%

First class requirements - deciding the presentations

For the first meeting, I expect each student to have found five potential topics and the papers that support those topics. You should prepare a short description of your proposed four topics (you should make a short powerpointish presentation, for example). Your presentation should be 10 minutes in total. From your four proposed topics we will pick three of them.

Requirements for each presentation

  • Announce on the MyCourses discussion board the topic and links to papers one week before your presentation.
  • Prepare your presentation. Your presentation should be clear and have the main purpose of teaching the topic to the class.
  • During your presentation you should have at least two (30 minute presentations) or three (60 minute presentations) short questions to ask the audience. These questions are intended to help the other members of the group learn the content of the paper your are presenting. You should also have a slide with the answer.
  • Post your presentation and notes on the google schedule document and announce your notes on the MyCourses discussion board. You should do this at least one day before the presentation.

Required Regulations for Course Outlines

In accord with McGill University's Charter of Students' Rights, students in this course have the right to submit in English or in French any written work that is to be graded.

McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (see ) for more information).

Maintained by Laurie J. Hendren. Last modified Thu Sep 3 16:01:32 EDT 2015.
Compiler research projects: Soot, a Java analysis, optimization and transformation toolkit ---- abc, an AspectJ compiler. ---- McLAB, a compiler and VM toolkit for MATLAB