Research Opportunities in Compilers and Tools

Professor Laurie Hendren, Sable Research Lab, McGill University


Professor Hendren is involved in a new project, developing a compiler framework McLAB, for scientific programming languages.

Professor Hendren is currently looking for strong undergraduate and graduate research students.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students interested in completing undergraduate research projects in COMP 396, COMP 400 or PHYS 489 should contact Professor Hendren to discuss possible subject areas. This could involve research on the McLAB project, or it could be applying the McLAB tools to another area of Science.

Graduate Students

Professor Hendren is looking for strong and motivated graduate students to join her research team at both the M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels. Research assistantship stipends will be available for qualififed applicatnts, the amount will depend on the level of scholarships already held by the student, the level of the student (M.Sc.(project), M.Sc.(thesis) or Ph.D.) and the amount of time the student has available for research activities. For students doing full-time research work, the goal is to find total funding in line with NSERC norms.

Students will also be given a desk and computer workstation in the Sable Lab, McConnell 226 and 234.

Students should apply to graduate studies in Computer Science at McGill. General Information and Admissions are described at the SOCS Prospective Graduate Student web site. In addition, you should also contact Professor Hendren as below, so she will know of your interest and so she can review your application. It is important that you clearly specify your strengths and your specific interests, and how those interests mesh with the purpose and scope of the McLAB project.

How to contact Professor Hendren

Students interested in joining Professor Hendren's group should review potential research areas listed below and contact her at hendren AT cs DOT mcgill DOT ca. In your e-mail message be sure to concisely state your background, in what sort of project you are interested and why you are interested in this topic. Successful students should have a deep interest in languages and compilers, a good knowledge of foundational CS and an ability to work on large programming projects. It is also expected that students can communicate clearly both for oral and written work.

Interested students should consult the following McLAB web pages to gain some background into the project and the ongoing areas of research. Then, you should propose your potential area of research.

Maintained by Laurie J. Hendren Last modified Wed Jun 22 08:17:57 EDT 2011. [HOME]
Compiler research projects: Soot, a Java analysis, optimization and transformation toolkit ---- abc, an AspectJ compiler. ---- McLAB, a compiler and VM toolkit for MATLAB