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RE: (Must remember a subject next time)

The changes you propose for SableCC sound useful, I look forward to Version

I agree that normally one shouldn't be playing around with the AST
structure, indeed I'm not.  What I needed was two extra classes, after
building the AST I walk it using a delegator sub-class of DepthFirstAdapter,
for each call in* and out* this delegator calls the matching in* and out*
calls in a supplied set of classes.  I therefore needed to write a delegator
and a base delegate classes. Both of these need to duplicate the in* and
out* methods of DepthFirstAdapter.  It seems to me easier, for both initial
development and maintenance, and less error-prone to use GenAnalyses to
build the classes.  Overriding the analyses.txt files and making some
changes to GenAnalyses provided the route I needed to generate custom
classes.  It is that ability to automatically generate custom classes which
I would find useful.

Another reason that springs to mind for allowing overriding of the analysis
macros is ease of porting the constructed parser.  It appears to me that it
would be feasible to generate non-java parsers just be changing the .txt
files, and supplying a few supporting classes/methods/functions.

As for code updates I see your problem w.r.t. copyright, but I always
thought that the intention of the GPL/LGPL was that the requirement for
release was an appropriate copyright disclaimer.  Whilst I can understand
any desire to remove the administrative overhead of filing and maintaining
those disclaimers, I don't see the requirement for lawyers.  But, SableCC is
your software and so the issue of code changes is up to you.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Etienne Gagnon [mailto:egagnon@sprynet.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 27, 1998 6:09 PM
> To: Sablecc
> Subject: Re:
> Hi Chris,
> >I've been playing with SableCC and I'm very impressed.  It seems to be
> >an excellent framework for building AST-deriving parsers, and
> >associated tools.  My only caveats concern performance of the parser
> >construction stage. Especially irritating is the length of time one
> >has to wait before grammatical errors are reported.  But aside from
> >that its an excellent tool.
> The lexer and parser construction stages are being completely
> reconstructed
> for optimizing the speed of lexer/parser table construction. (See below).
> >One mechanism I particular like is the macro mechanism for generating
> >the basic classes.  Indeed I've already extended this to add a new
> >analysis class appropriate to the work I'm doing.  However, the
> >extension process is not simple requiring the modification of the
> >*.txt and Gen* files directly.
> Normally, you shouldn't be playing around and modifying the AST structure.
> The data you want to associate with a node should reside in a hashtable in
> the anaysis class (e.g. extends DepthFirstAdapter) that is associated with
> this data.
> This being said, I agree that a more generic method of generating classes
> could be used. The question is whether this would be really useful for
> SableCC users. It might encourage users to simply modify the AST
> instead of
> doing as suggested previously, which would be the wrong way to use the
> framework.
> Why keep the data in a hashtable? For maintenance reasons and memory
> usage/performance reasons. If you use a hashtable, and at some point you
> want to get rid of the data, you simply release the reference to the
> hashtable, and the Java grabage collector will do the rest. If,
> on the other
> hand, you have custom nodes, with fields for this data, you will have to
> visit all nodes to free the data. Furthermore, each node will waiste at
> least 4 bytes for a reference to null (previously a reference to
> the data).
> In a big AST, this can represent a lot of memory.
> >I've implemented an alternative mechanism for overriding the macro files
> >and defining the output set.  I would like to feed this back
> into SableCC,
> >and so would like to ask if there is an accepted system for proposing
> >and submitting changes to SableCC.
> As for now, the only existing process is using the mailing list to
> contribute ideas, not code. Accepting code contributions are more of a
> problem, because of all the legal hassle. For instance, if you are working
> for some company, we must get a written disclaimers from the
> company stating
> that it disclaims all copyright interest in the contributed code, blah,
> blah, blah. The main problem being that we (i.e.:Sable Research
> group and I)
> do not have time nor available lawyers to take care of these minor but
> important details.
> >One other thing I would like to ask about is regeneration of the parser.
> >I note that section 7.1 of Etienne's thesis discusses building SableCC 2,
> >using SableCC 1.  Is the grammar for this available and are
> there any plans
> >to upgrade it to version 2?
> There is little chance you will ever get a look at version 1;-)
> On the other
> hand I am rewriting SableCC using version 2.
> I do not want yet to disclose too much about my current
> development, and set
> expectations too high. Here are the general directions. I'm
> attacking three
> fronts:
> 1- Lexer/Parser generation time (and a few implementation details).
> 2- Grammar expressiveness. [go beyond LALR(1)].
> 3- Automatic simplified AST construction. [e.g. CST -> AST at parse time].
> Definition
>   CST = Concrete Syntax Tree. (SableCC 2 ASTs matche their CST).
> This is a lot of work, so don't ask me for a time frame;-)
> Etienne
> >
> >Chris Watson
> >
> >----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Dr. Christopher Watson              Tel: +44 (0)1223 460408
> >Quintic Ltd,                        Fax: +44 (0)1223 460409
> >Cambridge,                          E-mail: chris@quintic.co.uk
> >United Kingdom.                     Website: http://www.quintic.co.uk
> >