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Parsing problem

Hello, everyone.

I hope someone can give me a hand, since this has me completely stumped.
I've reduced the grammar file down to its essentials, I think.

Enclosed is the grammar file and the errors I get on simple inputs.

thanks for any help,

---------    grammar file   -----------------------

Package com.redwood.reportParserFramework;


    sp  = ' ';

    letter = ['a'..'z'] | ['A'..'Z'];
    digit = ['0'..'9'];
    letter_or_digit = letter | digit;
    allowed_expresion_char = letter | digit |
        '(' | ')' |
        '<' | '>' | '=' | '.' | ':';

 * Tokens                                                          *

    lparen = '(';
    rparen = ')';

    white_space = sp*;

    report_keywd = '<report>';

    identifier = letter letter_or_digit*;
    text = (allowed_expresion_char)*;

 * Ignored Tokens                                                  *
Ignored Tokens


 * Productions                                                     *

goal = report_def;

report_def =
    report_keywd |
    report_keywd lparen rparen;

========           Output              ========================

"<report>"  works fine
"<report>  " works now, but only now that the file has been shrunk down

"<report>  () " does not work - the error reads
com.redwood.reportParserFramework.parser.ParserException: [1,11] 			"EOF

"<report>()"  does not work - the error reads:
com.redwood.reportParserFramework.parser.ParserException: [1,1]
"TReportKeywd expected.",
which makes me think that it only recognizes the <report> token when there
is a whitespace after it.