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Re: Could someone give me a hand, re: uninitialised variables

Hi Christopher,

Sounds more like a semantic evaluation. I don't think you can do this by 
modifying the grammar (second opinion anyone?). You _could_ write a 
customized parser to do this at parse time though... rather than as a 
seperate tree walk.


Christopher Andrew Gale wrote:
> Hi, I am currentely altering an existing language such that unitialised
> variables are no longer allowed.  The language is called Kenya and I had
> orignally intended to make the change by just hacking the typechecker,
> but im interested to know complex it would be to alter the sablecc
> grammar (attached) and regenerate the code.  Any assistance would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Chris Gale.
> --- begin grammar.sablecc ---
> Package minijava;
> Helpers
>   letter = ['A'..'Z'] | ['a'..'z'];
>   digit = ['0'..'9'];
>   cr = 13;
>   lf = 10;
>   tab = 9;
>   point = '.';
>   not_cr_lf = [[32..127] - [cr + lf]];
>   escape = '\b' | '\t' | '\n' | '\f' | '\r' | '\"' | '\' ''' | '\\';
>   space = ' ';
> Tokens
>   new_line = cr | lf | cr lf;
>   blank = ( tab | space )+;
>   comment = '//' not_cr_lf* ( cr | lf | cr lf )?;
>   boolean = 'boolean';
>   char = 'char';
>   int = 'int';
>   real = 'double';
>   string = 'String';
>   void = 'void';
>   klass = 'class';
>   const = 'const';
>   print = 'print';
>   println = 'println';
>   if = 'if';
>   else = 'else';
>   while = 'while';
>   return = 'return';
>   switch = 'switch';
>   case = 'case';
>   break = 'break';
>   default = 'default';
>   for = 'for';
>   to = 'to';
>   step = 'step';
>   decreasing = 'decreasing';
>   assert = 'assert';
>   arraycopy = 'arraycopy';
>   true = 'true';
>   false = 'false';
>   null = 'null';
>   and = 'and' | '&&';
>   or = 'or' | '||';
>   xor = 'xor';
>   not = 'not' | '!';
>   sin  = 'sin';
>   cos  = 'cos';
>   tan  = 'tan';
>   asin = 'asin';
>   acos = 'acos';
>   atan = 'atan';
>   sqrt = 'sqrt';
>   log  = 'log';
>   exp = 'exp';
>   random = 'random';
>   round = 'round';
>   abs = 'abs';
>   floor = 'floor';
>   ceil = 'ceil';
>   read = 'read()';
>   readint = 'readInt()';
>   readreal = 'readDouble()';
>   readstring = 'readString()';
>   readchar = 'readChar()';
>   endoffile = 'isEOF()';
>   drawbox = 'drawBox';
>   drawtriangle = 'drawTriangle';
>   drawellipse = 'drawEllipse';
>   drawline = 'drawLine';
>   drawstring = 'drawString';
>   clear = 'clear()';
>   setcolour = 'setColour';
>   setbgcolour = 'setBGColour';
>   fill = 'fill';
>   identifier = letter (letter | digit)*;
>   stringliteral = '"' [not_cr_lf - '"']* '"';
>   charliteral = ''' [not_cr_lf  - ''' ] ''' | ''' escape ''';
>   l_parenthese = '(';
>   r_parenthese = ')';
>   l_brace = '{';
>   r_brace = '}';
>   l_bracket = '[';
>   r_bracket = ']';
>   bracket_pair = '[ ]';
>   semicolon = ';';
>   colon = ':';
>   comma = ',';
>   dot = point;
>   plus = '+';
>   plusplus = '++';
>   minus = '-';
>   minusminus = '--';
>   times = '*';
>   divide = '/';
>   power = '^';
>   mod = '%';
>   less = '<';
>   lessequal = '<=';
>   greater = '>';
>   greaterequal = '>=';
>   equal = '==';
>   notequal = '!=';
>   assign = '=';
>   intnumber = digit+ ;
>   fpnumber = digit+ point digit+;
> Ignored Tokens
>   blank , new_line;
> Productions
>  statements =
>     {list}  statement statements |
>     {empty} ;
>   statement =
>     {comment} comment |
>     {dec} declaration |
>     {functioncall} function_application semicolon |
>     {assignment} field_access assign expression semicolon |
>     {if} if l_parenthese bool_expression r_parenthese [block1]:block else? [block2]:block? |
>     {while} while l_parenthese bool_expression r_parenthese block |
>     {return} return expression? semicolon |
>     {switch} switch l_parenthese expression r_parenthese switch_block |
>     {for} for for_control block |
>     {break} break semicolon |
>     {print_str} print l_parenthese expression r_parenthese semicolon |
>     {println_str} println l_parenthese expression r_parenthese semicolon |
>     {assert} assert bool_expression colon_string? semicolon |
>     {arraycopy} arraycopy l_parenthese [src]:name comma [dest]:name r_parenthese semicolon |
>     {clear} clear semicolon |
>     {drawline} drawline l_parenthese four_numbers r_parenthese semicolon |
>     {drawbox} drawbox l_parenthese four_numbers r_parenthese semicolon |
>     {drawtriangle} drawtriangle l_parenthese six_numbers r_parenthese semicolon |
>     {drawellipse} drawellipse l_parenthese four_numbers r_parenthese semicolon |
>     {drawstring} drawstring l_parenthese [string]:expression [c1]:comma [x]:expression [c2]:comma [y]:expression r_parenthese semicolon |
>     {setcolour} setcolour l_parenthese rgb r_parenthese semicolon |
>     {setbgcolour} setbgcolour l_parenthese rgb r_parenthese semicolon |
>     {fill} fill l_parenthese bool_expression r_parenthese semicolon ;
>   for_control =
>     {java}   l_parenthese name assign expression [s1]:semicolon bool_expression [s2]:semicolon unary_exp r_parenthese |
>     {simple} decreasing? name assign [exp1]:expression to [exp2]:expression step_bit?;
>   step_bit = step expression ;
>   block = l_brace statements r_brace;
>   function_application = name l_parenthese actual_param_list r_parenthese;
>   actual_param_list = {list} actual_param_list comma expression |
>                       {exp} expression |
>                       {empty};
>   four_numbers = [x1]:math_expression [c1]:comma [y1]:math_expression [c2]:comma [x2]:math_expression [c3]:comma [y2]:math_expression;
>   six_numbers = four_numbers [c1]:comma [x]:math_expression [c2]:comma [y]:math_expression;
>   rgb = [r]:math_expression [c1]:comma [g]:math_expression [c2]:comma [b]:math_expression;
>   switch_block = l_brace possible_case* r_brace;
>   possible_case = switch_label block;
>   switch_label =
>     {case} case expression colon |
>     {default} default colon;
>   declaration =
>     {class_dec} klass identifier l_brace declaration* r_brace |
>     {func_dec}  type bracket_pair* identifier l_parenthese formal_param_list? r_parenthese block |
>     {const_dec} const type identifier initialiser? semicolon |
>     {var_dec}   type bracket_pair* type_param? identifier array_access* initialiser? semicolon;
>   formal_param_list = type_name comma_type_name*;
>   type_name = type bracket_pair* identifier;
>   comma_type_name = comma type_name;
>   initialiser =
>     {scalar} assign expression |
>     {array} assign array_init;
>   array_init = l_brace init_list r_brace;
>   init_list =
>     {scalar} expression comma_exp* |
>     {array}  array_init comma_array_init*;
>   comma_exp = comma expression;
>   comma_array_init = comma array_init;
>   colon_string = colon expression;
>   booleanliteral =
>     {true} true |
>     {false} false;
> /********************
>        Types
> ********************/
>   type =
>     {basic_type}
>         basic_type |
>     {reference_type}
>         reference_type;
>    basic_type =
>     {char}
>         char |
>     {int}
> 	int |
>     {real}
> 	real |
>     {string}
>         string |
>     {boolean}
>         boolean |
>     {void}
>         void;
>   reference_type =
>     {class_type}
>         class_type;
>   class_type =
>     name;
> /********************
> Variable Declarations
> ********************/
>   type_param = less type_param_list greater;
>   type_param_list = type comma_type*;
>   comma_type = comma type;
> /********************
>   Expressions
> ********************/
>   expression =
>     {boolexp} bool_expression;
>   math_expression =
>     {term} term |
>     {plus} math_expression plus term |
>     {minus} math_expression minus term ;
>   term =
>     {unary} unary_exp |
>     {mult} term times unary_exp |
>     {div} term divide unary_exp |
>     {mod} term mod unary_exp |
>     {power} term power unary_exp;
>   unary_exp =
>     {preincr} preincr |
>     {predecr} predecr |
>     {minus} minus unary_exp |
>     {plus} plus unary_exp |
>     {negate} not unary_exp |
>     {postfix_exp} postfix_exp;
>   postfix_exp =
>     {factor} factor |
>     {postincr} postincr |
>     {postdecr} postdecr;
>   postdecr = postfix_exp minusminus;
>   postincr = postfix_exp plusplus;
>   predecr = minusminus postfix_exp;
>   preincr = plusplus postfix_exp;
>   factor =
>     {null} null |
>     {fieldaccess} field_access |
>     {function} function_application |
>     {number} number |
>     {stringliteral} stringliteral |
>     {charliteral} charliteral |
>     {boolliteral} booleanliteral |
>     {readint} readint |
>     {readreal} readreal |
>     {readstring} readstring |
>     {readchar} readchar |
>     {read} read |
>     {endoffile} endoffile |
>     {sin} sin l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {cos} cos l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {tan} tan l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {asin} asin l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {acos} acos l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {atan} atan l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {sqrt} sqrt l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {log} log l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {exp} exp l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {abs} abs l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {floor} floor l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {ceil} ceil l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {round} round l_parenthese math_expression r_parenthese |
>     {random} random l_parenthese r_parenthese |
>     {expression} l_parenthese bool_expression r_parenthese;
>   number = {i} intnumber |
>            {f} fpnumber;
>   bool_expression =
>     {term} bool_term |
>     {or} bool_expression or bool_term |
>     {xor} bool_expression xor bool_term;
>   bool_term =
>     {equality} equality |
>     {and} bool_term and equality;
>   equality =
>     {relational} relational |
>     {eq} equality equal relational |
>     {neq} equality notequal relational;
>   relational =
>     {math} math_expression |
>     {lt} relational less math_expression |
>     {gt} relational greater math_expression |
>     {lteq} relational lessequal math_expression |
>     {gteq} relational greaterequal math_expression;
> /********************
>        Names
> ********************/
>   field_access =
>     {array} name array_access+ |
>     {scalar} name;
>   name =
>     {simple_name}
>         simple_name |
>     {qualified_name}
>         qualified_name;
>   simple_name =
>     identifier;
>   qualified_name =
>     field_access dot identifier;
>   array_access = l_bracket math_expression r_bracket;