Package soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.nullcheck

Classes that carry out an analysis to determine whether or not null pointer checks are necessary.


Class Summary
BranchedRefVarsAnalysis Deprecated. THIS IS KNOWN TO BE BUGGY.
LocalRefVarsAnalysisWrapper Deprecated. uses deprecated type BranchedRefVarsAnalysis and seems of no use for Soot so marked for future deletion, unless clients object
NullnessAnalysis An intraprocedural nullness analysis that computes for each location and each value in a method if the value is (before or after that location) definetely null, definetely non-null or neither.
NullnessAssumptionAnalysis An intraprocedural nullness assumption analysis that computes for each location and each value in a method if the value (before or after that location) is treated as definetely null, definetely non-null or neither.
NullnessAssumptionAnalysis.AnalysisInfo The analysis info is a simple mapping of type Value to any of the constants BOTTOM, NON_NULL, NULL or TOP.
RefIntPair Deprecated. only used by deprecated type BranchedRefVarsAnalysis; flagged for future deletion

Package soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.nullcheck Description

Classes that carry out an analysis to determine whether or not null pointer checks are necessary.