Package soot.jimple.toolkits.callgraph

Interface Summary
ContextManager Interface for context managers, which decide how edges should be added to a context-sensitive call graph.
ContextSensitiveCallGraph Represents a context-sensitive call graph for querying by client analyses.
ContextSensitiveEdge Represents a single context-sensitive edge in a call graph.
EdgePredicate An interface for predicates on edges, used to specify which edges should or shouldn't be included as part of a particular subgraph.

Class Summary
CallGraph Represents the edges in a call graph.
CallGraphBuilder Models the call graph.
CallGraphPack A radio pack implementation for the call graph pack that calls the intra-procedural clinit eliminator after the call graph has been built.
CHATransformer Builds an invoke graph using Class Hierarchy Analysis.
ContextInsensitiveContextManager A context manager which adds no context-sensitivity to the call graph.
Edge Represents a single edge in a call graph.
ExplicitEdgesPred A predicate that accepts edges that are the result of an explicit invoke.
Filter Represents a subset of the edges in a call graph satisfying an EdgePredicate predicate.
InstanceInvokeEdgesPred A predicate that accepts edges that are the result of an explicit instance invoke.
ObjSensContextManager A context manager which creates an object-sensitive call graph.
OneCFAContextManager A context manager which creates a 1-CFA call graph.
OnFlyCallGraphBuilder Models the call graph.
ReachableMethods Keeps track of the methods transitively reachable from the specified entry points through the given call graph edges.
SlowCallGraph Represents the edges in a call graph.
Sources Adapts an iterator over a collection of Edge's to be an iterator over the source methods of the edges.
Targets Adapts an iterator over a collection of Edge's to be an iterator over the target methods of the edges.
TransitiveTargets Extends a TargetsOfMethod or TargetsOfUnit to include edges transitively reachable from any target methods.
Units Adapts an iterator over a collection of Edge's to be an iterator over the source units of the edges.
VirtualCalls Resolves virtual calls.
VirtualCallSite Holds relevant information about a particular virtual call site.