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Developing With Soot in Eclipse

Step 1: Checking out Soot from SVN
  • Start Eclipse
  • Select File -- Import -- Checkout Projects from SVN
  • Click Next

  • Select Create a new Repository Location
  • Click Next
  • Enter
  • Select the root directory and hit Finish

You should now have a project containing Soot, but it will still have build errors. This is because Soot depends on other JAR files that you still need to check out.

Step 2: Cheking out Soot's dependencies

You should now have a new project "libs" that contains a bunch of JAR files. The Soot project should now build.

To run Soot, simply right-click the class soot.Main and select Run As -- Java Application. You may also want to look at the build.xml file to see how Soot is built outside of eclipse.