[Soot-list] rebuild soot 2.1.0

Ondrej Lhotak olhotak at sable.mcgill.ca
Mon Nov 22 11:20:27 EST 2004

On Sun, Nov 21, 2004 at 12:23:38PM +1100, Phung Hua Nguyen wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have some problems when trying to rebuild soot version 2.1.0.
> 1. When I modified soot_options.xml to add some new options and then 
> rebuild soot, I got the following message:
> [xslt] $HOME/soot-2.1.0/src/soot/options/make-soot-options.xls:364:44: 
> Warning! javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: 
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: redirect Cause: 
> javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: 
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: redirect
> and the new options do not appear in files generated.

The "redirect" feature is used to cause the XSLT processor to generate
more than one output file from the one xml and one xsl file, taking
the filenames from the xml file. The XSLT processor your ant is using
doesn't appear to support this feature. There is some documentation
about telling ant which XSLT processor to use in the ant manual at:
However, I don't know too much about the details of ant's interactions
with XSLT, or even how to determine which XSLT processor it's actually

Ironically, one of the main reasons for using xml and XSLT was that they
were supposedly standard, so we would avoid these kinds of problems.

If someone more familiar with XSLT can suggest how to generate multiple
output files whose names are specified in the xml in a way that is more
likely to be better supported by different XSLT processors, that would
be very helpful.

> 2. When i use: ant veryclean and then rebuild soot, I got another error 
> message:
> $HOME/soot-2.1.0/build.xml:55: Execute failed:java.io.IOException: sablecc 
> not found.

The SableCC distribution comes with a script bin/sablecc. When
installing SableCC, you need to put this script in a directory on your
PATH. If you install SableCC using the package manager of your
distribution (such as Debian), it should do this automatically.
The version of SableCC I use is:

~ $ dpkg -l | grep sablecc
ii  sablecc        2.18.2-1       object-oriented compiler framework

Hope that helps...


> I am using j2sdk1.4.1 for compiling. I think I should have sablecc 
> installed but I don't know which version and how to configure ?
> I couldn't find any document to guide this case or I missed something.
> Thanks you,
> Nguyen Hua Phung
> University of New South Wales
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