[Soot-list] rebuild soot 2.1.0

Phung Hua Nguyen nhp at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sat Nov 20 20:23:38 EST 2004

Hi All,

I have some problems when trying to rebuild soot version 2.1.0.

1. When I modified soot_options.xml to add some new options and then 
rebuild soot, I got the following message:

[xslt] $HOME/soot-2.1.0/src/soot/options/make-soot-options.xls:364:44: 
Warning! javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: redirect Cause: 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: redirect

and the new options do not appear in files generated.

2. When i use: ant veryclean and then rebuild soot, I got another error 

$HOME/soot-2.1.0/build.xml:55: Execute failed:java.io.IOException: sablecc 
not found.

I am using j2sdk1.4.1 for compiling. I think I should have sablecc 
installed but I don't know which version and how to configure ?
I couldn't find any document to guide this case or I missed something.

Thanks you,

Nguyen Hua Phung
University of New South Wales

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