[Soot-list] question about reading Jimple into Soot

Prof. Laurie HENDREN hendren at cs.mcgill.ca
Mon Dec 5 10:17:09 EST 2005

Pavel (from the abc group) is producing Jimple from abc and then
reading it back into Soot.

He gets that following error:

 "expecting: quoted name, identifier" pointing
               at the start of the word 'ret' in the local declaration
               'java.lang.Object ret, show;'

Does anyone know what is going on there?

Cheers, Laurie

| Laurie Hendren --- laurie.hendren at mcgill.ca
| Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty of Science,
| Dawson Hall, McGill University, 853 Sherbrooke St W,
| Montreal QC H3A 2T6 Canada, 514-398-7179, fax 514-398-1774
| For contact and home page info as Professor, Computer Science:
| http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/~hendren   ---  hendren at cs.mcgill.ca
| Research: http://www.sable.mcgill.ca  http://aspectbench.org

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