[Soot-list] Two methods in the soot

wqian1 at cs.mcgill.ca wqian1 at cs.mcgill.ca
Tue Feb 8 21:47:12 EST 2005


There are two methods in the soot:

public SootClass loadClassAndSupport(String className)
public SootClass loadClass(String className,int desiredLevel)

What's the exact meaning of desiredLvel? And the first method returns the
first class and loads the class and all support classes, that means if I
want to load one class only, e.g. java.io.PrintStream, should I set the
desirdLevel to 0 or 1?

So, I revise the source file in the tutorial of "Adding profiling..." and
change the statement loadClassAndSupport("java.io.PrintStream") to
loadClass("java.io.PrintStream",0). Right?



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