[Soot-list] Null - Analysis

Patrick LAM plam at sable.mcgill.ca
Fri Jul 22 10:58:32 EDT 2005

Ajay Lal wrote:
> Hello
> Im a new user of the soot framework, and I am currently trying to
> implement the null-anaysis example contained within the soot tutorial.
> I am having difficulties with the flow through method. I am unsure what
> the List BranchedOut parameter is for, and I am unable to implement
> the Kill and Gen sets for this method. I was wondering if there is
> source code for the branched analysis that could be sent to me, if not
> can I please have some information that may aid me in implementing the
> flowthrough method.

branchedOut is the output set when the instruction takes a branch.  e.g.
if you have a conditional statement (if_null, for instance) then the
normal out is the successor, while branchedOut is the target of the


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