[Soot-list] Can not get method parameters from BafBody

Ju Qian jqian at seu.edu.cn
Fri Nov 11 02:58:07 EST 2005

    I just write the following code outside any soot.Transformer.
         Body body=method.getActiveBody();
         for(int i=0;i<method.getParameterCount();i++){
             Local local=body.getParameterLocal(i);
    Unfortunately, it always throws a class cast exception. I trace the 
execution and find the reason is that (body instanceof BafBody).
    Can any body tell me the reason?

Ju Qian
jqian at seu.edu.cn
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Southeast University
Nanjing 210096
P. R. China
Tel: (86)025-83793977

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