[Soot-list] Generating invalid code

Marc Hull (Imperial College) mfh02 at doc.ic.ac.uk
Fri Feb 10 04:23:15 EST 2006

mbatch at cs.mcgill.ca wrote:
> Marc,
> I think what you want is a ThisRef:
> ThisRef thisRef = new ThisRef(method.getDeclaringClass().getType());
> I then do something like this:
> Local thisLocal = Jimple.v().newLocal("ths", thisRef.getType());   
> locals.add(thisLocal);
> units.add(Jimple.v().newIdentityStmt(thisLocal,
>             Jimple.v().newThisRef((RefType)thisRef.getType())));
I tried out these changes exactly as above, but it still seemed to 
generate the same code. I did notice in the jimple code that the method 
I am altering already has a local tied to 'this'; does Soot/Jimple 
disallow having multiple locals tied to the same thing? It also looked 
like this local was always present in every method, even if the method 
didn't access it; if this is the case, I should be able to use 
body.getThisLocal() always whenever I need the 'this' pointer. This does 
seem to generate some unusual jimple code, since the IdentityStmt 
appears after the code that uses it:

        test.A r0;
        java.io.PrintStream $r1;
        java.lang.String $r2;
        uk.ac.ic.doc.cuXca.persistence.IDataRow a1;
        uk.ac.ic.doc.cuXca.prototypes.soot.PersistenceManager a2;

        // My inserted code (uses r0):
        a2 = staticinvoke 
a2.<uk.ac.ic.doc.cuXca.prototypes.soot.PersistenceManager: void 
null, null);

        // Original code (defines r0):
        r0 := @this: test.A;
        $r1 = <java.lang.System: java.io.PrintStream out>;
        virtualinvoke $r1.<java.io.PrintStream: void 
println(java.lang.String)>("Called A.getName()");
        $r2 = r0.<test.A: java.lang.String name>;
        return $r2;

Fortunately this doesn't seem to affect the translation from jimple to 
bytecode, so everything works ok for now!

Thanks for the help,

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