[Soot-list] build AST

Paritosh Shroff pari at cs.jhu.edu
Thu Feb 16 17:38:57 EST 2006


I am a grad student at Johns Hopkins University and am trying to 
implement my new whole program analysis algorithm for the java bytecode.

I want to use Soot to parse the java bytecode and give me the AST 
(abstract syntax tree), which I can then use to perform my analysis. I 
have read all the tutorials on the homepage of Soot, but they mostly 
describe how to use Soot to perform optimizations using the Jimple format.

I would highly appreciate if someone could give me pointers on how to 
use Soot to parse the java class files and get the AST of the bytecode, 
as is, without converting to baf or jimple formats.

Thanks a lot for your help!


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