[Soot-list] Points-to options

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at mail.mcgill.ca
Tue Jul 18 15:24:20 EDT 2006


I have the following problems with the built-in points-to analyses:

When I do not enable any command-line options regarding PTA, I get the
FullObjectSet for any possible variable, which is presumably the dumm
but correct default answer.

When I set "cg.spark:enabled" only, I get an empty points-to set where
paddle used to give me some decent result. That sounds unsound, doesn't
it? The problem seems that in the PAG, there seems to be no mapping for
the local I pass in. When can that be the case?

Apart from that, when I set SPARK to use RTA, my flow analysis seems to
behave very random: I get fewer iterations (too few apparently) that
usual and have not yet found any explanation, why.

Any thoughts about those weirdness?

Thanks a lot,

Eric Bodden
Sable Research Group, McGill University
Montreal, Canada

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