[Soot-list] Re(de)compilation of unmodified .class files

Mario Mendez mario at cs.unm.edu
Wed Apr 11 01:11:34 EDT 2007

For each .class C I want to generate another file C' in some arbitrary 
representation. So, for the example described so far, if the application 
is just files A and B, I will output A' and B'. Therefore, if B did not 
change, there is no point in generating the same B' again.

Summary of my goal, then: for each classfile C that did change since 
last compilation, I want to generate a C'. That is independent of 
whether C is an application or library class: if it can be reached from 
the main and it changed, I would like to run my Transformer on it.

The question, again, is whether this "on-demand" transform is provided 
already in Soot in some way.

Patrick Lam wrote:
> Eric Bodden wrote:
>>> That functionality is not implemented in Soot.
>> Patrick, if we know that B does not need to be processed can we not
>> just set B as a library class in this case. I think that would
>> automatically prevent B from being processed by transformers. (B would
>> have to be loaded to signature level at the least though, I believe)
> Yes. But I don't know what Mario is trying to accomplish, so it's hard
> to say. Perhaps he doesn't need to specify --app A.
> pat

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