[Soot-list] <kein Betreff>

Dirk Richter drgames at web.de
Thu Jan 25 06:36:18 EST 2007

Dear All,

I plan to write/use some program analysis while transforming java into an own language. Perhaps you can give me a suggestion to use other tools then soot..

Jennifer Lhotak has commited on revision 2229 in the svn repository of soot a Java 1.5 compatibility. There also is a paper available on this. But it seems that these changes are reverted on revision 2233. My 1st question now is: can i use SOOT to analyse Java 1.5 or 1.6 bytecode/sourcecode?

2nd: on http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/eclipse/updates/ there is only an old eclipse plugin available (version 2.2.2, but soot is version 2.2.3). Would it be better to check out a current version from your svn server? I would prefer a plugin running with eclipse 3.3M4 during implementation of program analysis and later on for automation a stand alone version for exporting the analysis results to xml.

3rd: I saw in the svn log some new implementions of program analysis. Where i can get a current list and descriptions of such available analysis? Very interesting for me are kinds of Value- and Points-To-Analysis.

very much thanks and
best regards

Dirk Richter
Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg
Institute of Computer Science
Lehrstuhl Software-Engineering und Programmiersprachen
Gruppe Verifikation und Compilerbau
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