[Soot-list] Buidling Partial Call Graph

Armand Navabi anavabi at purdue.edu
Wed Jul 18 14:38:15 EDT 2007

I am building a call graph for a HelloWorld program.  Just creating the 
call graph takes about 20 minutes on my machine.  I understand that the 
call graph has many nodes (java.* and sun.*) and therefore takes a long 
time to build.  I was wondering if I could build a partial call graph, 
so I read the soot mailing archives, and found the following post:


There is mention of building a partial call graph, but it looks like the 
exact details were sent in a separate email that was not sent to the 
soot mailing list.  Anyone know how I might be able to build a partial 
call graph.  Here is how I am currently building the call graph.

public class MyTransformer extends SceneTransformer {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    if(args.length == 0) System.exit(-1);
"/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-" +
      add(new Transform("wjtp.mytransform", MyTransformer.v()));

  protected void internalTransform (String phaseName, Map options) {
    CallGraph cg = Scene.v().getCallGraph();
    System.out.println("call graph: " + cg);

I run the program with the following command line arguments:
java -Xmx1024m analysis.getcallgraph.MyTransformer --app -p cg.spark 
on-fly-cg:true -w analysis.examples.Hello


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