[Soot-list] Re: Problem with classpath / J2ME

Marco Kaufmann marco5327 at yahoo.de
Wed May 23 03:42:02 EDT 2007

Sorry, but that doesn't help. What I'm trying is to optimize the J2ME CLDC 1.0 core classes (the java libraries for embedded systems). All classes that belong to these libraries according CLDC 1.0 specification are located in my 
/CLDC10 directory, which I use as the soot classpath. I don't want to optimize the Object.class, Class.class etc from the J2SE's rt.jar, but the Object.class, Class.class etc located in the CLDC10 directory (thus I can't add rt.jar to the soot classpath, but must use 
/CLDC10 instead of).
  Cloneable.class doesn't exist in the CLDC10 directory, but it shouldn't be a problem because actual none of the J2ME library classes references it (as I said it's not part of the CLDC 1.0 specification). It's OK that soot doesn't find Cloneable, but what I don't understand is, why soot even tries to resolve it? 
>This sounds like one of our classic Soot classpath issues. You can search
>the mailing-list archives for more info. Make sure that you have the java
>libraries on your Soot classpath (note that I said Soot classpath, not the
>JVM classpath). Usually this means including rt.jar from:

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