[Soot-list] instrumenting with soot class by class

David Vollmar kavika at the-dave.com
Thu Apr 17 14:37:20 EDT 2008

nochmals recht herzlichen Dank fuer die schnelle Antwort.

Indeed, ideally I would like to prevent soot just from re- 
instrumenting a class, but I can not see how that can be done easily  
in the current infrastructure.

For instance, just taking the GotoInstrumenter example from the v223  
subversion trunk  (tutorial/profiles/Main.java):
Assuming I want to instrument everything reachable from an entry point  
using the '-app' option and assuming I had a cache for classes that is  
already instrumented,
how would I skip instrumenting a particular class? If I check the  
cache in internalTransform() and return from that method without any  
changes, then
my instrumented class will be overwritten with the un-instrumented  
version of the class. (Obviously the directory into which I place my  
instrumented classes is not
part of my classpath when I run the instrumentation.)



On Apr 16, 2008, at 8:45 PM, Eric Bodden wrote:
>> Do you think it would be possible (even for me) to modify the core  
>> soot
>> code to allow for that kind of behavior?
> To me it sounds like you want to instrument stuff as it gets loaded
> into Soot. This could be possible but I have never tried it nor do I
> know of anybody who has. Generally preventing Soot from
> (re-)instrumenting a class should not be a big problem though: Just
> keep around a cache of instrumented classes.
> Eric
> -- 
> Eric Bodden
> Sable Research Group
> McGill University, Montréal, Canada

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