[Soot-list] instrumenting with soot class by class

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at mail.mcgill.ca
Thu Apr 17 14:57:05 EDT 2008

> how would I skip instrumenting a particular class? If I check the cache in
> internalTransform() and return from that method without any changes, then
> my instrumented class will be overwritten with the un-instrumented version
> of the class. (Obviously the directory into which I place my instrumented
> classes is not
> part of my classpath when I run the instrumentation.)

Ah now I am beginning to understand. So you are actually re-running
Soot multiple times and Soot overwrites already-instrumented classes
that way, right? Well, in this case things are indeed more tricky. I
can imagine that this is something that one might want to solve with a
build script, outside of Soot. If your script only gives Soot certain
classes on the command line then only these will be instrumented by
Soot. Might that work for you?


Eric Bodden
Sable Research Group
McGill University, Montréal, Canada

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