[Soot-list] getting DU chains

Gerald Sit Gerald.Sit at student.cityu.edu.hk
Fri Aug 1 00:51:48 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I'm trying to get DU chains from a program. It seems to me that there're some revelant APIs provided from ASTUsesAndDefs class of soot.dava.toolkits.base.AST.traversals package. However, when I try to get the DavaBody reference the ClassCastException is thrown like this.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: soot.jimple.JimpleBody
	at DavaTest.getDUChainInfo(DavaTest.java:439)
	at DavaTest.main(DavaTest.java:355)

Below is the snippet of my program.

private static void getDUChainInfo(SootMethod src) {
	Body b = (Body)src.getActiveBody();
	DavaBody d = (DavaBody)b;
	ASTNode AST = (ASTNode)d.getUnits().getFirst();
	ASTUsesAndDefs du = new ASTUsesAndDefs(AST);
	List c = du.getDUChain(AST);

I've tried to use Dava as output format without any luck. Is there any arguments I've to set before using Dava codes from soot? And are there any alternatives to get the DU chains using soot? Thanks.


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