[Soot-list] NullPointerColourer (Eclipse 3.4.1, Soot 2.3.0)

Jack Griffith jg205 at doc.ic.ac.uk
Mon Dec 1 11:46:08 EST 2008


I am trying to run the NullPointerColourer analysis that comes with Soot
but I only seem to be getting coloured results in the
corresponding .jimple file. The .java file I am running the analysis on
is not coloured! :(

I've done some searching, and all I could find was that this was a
symptom of soot now knowing where the source files are. But, the
directory is in the classpath.
"...:<secret>/workspace/NullPointerColourerTest/src:..." is part of it,
unless I'm being dumb this is what should be there?? I have one class in
the src folder, i.e.:

public class NullPointerClass
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String s = null;
        String t = "Hello";
        if (s != null)
        if (t != null)

The .xml file that is produced as output contains 0 values for spos,
which I am led to believe is a symptom of soot not being able to find
this source file (as stated in this thread -

But I don't think this is my problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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