[Soot-list] Newbie question: Getting a handle on Jimple via Java

Willem Bester wbester at cs.sun.ac.za
Thu Feb 21 07:49:32 EST 2008


I'm trying to find an easy way -- it doesn't have to be completely trivial
-- of using Soot to convert a Java .class file to Jimple, and then, in a
Java program, to be able to "walk through" the Jimple format. I.e., I don't
want to read Jimple from a file, but rather have some kind of handle to use
the Jimple that Soot has created; I'd like to invoke Soot from my program,
and get the Jimple representation back to work with.

I've browsed through the docs and tuts, but I haven't spotted anything to
this effect. Any help or pointers will be much appreciated.


Willem Bester
Stellenbosch, South Africa
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