[Soot-list] Beginner's question: Making tutorial/guide/examples/call_graph example work

Patrick Lam plam at cs.mcgill.ca
Thu Jan 3 21:33:09 EST 2008

Michal Young wrote:
>> I'm not sure why the Soot class path doesn't seem to be getting set, but
>> you can definitely set it explicitly with a call to
>> Scene.v().setSootClassPath(). You can also print it with
>> getSootClassPath. Good luck!
> Thanks.  When I add printing of the soot class path near the beginning
> of the example, the rt.jar library does appear to be there (in fact
> there's the one I put there explicitly, adding the -cp option after
> program name as suggested by William Benton, and another rt.jar with a
> somewhat different path.

That's weird. At one point we had to unzip the rt.jar explicitly, but I
thought that bug got fixed years ago.

I don't think that you're using such an old version of Soot that this is
a problem. However, my version of Soot does not contain getSootClass()
at line 381. So it couldn't hurt to upgrade, I guess.

Unfortunately, I need to prepare some lectures now, so I don't have time
to try out the call graph example myself. I hope someone else has some
more useful suggestions...


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