[Soot-list] Rebuilding the context sensitive call graph

Khilan Gudka khilan.gudka at imperial.ac.uk
Thu Jan 31 13:34:12 EST 2008

Dear all,

Following on from my previous email, I have just realised that I am 
having problems with constructors. Constructors get translated into 
methods called <init>, is it possible to rename these to for example 
<init1>, <init2> etc?


Khilan Gudka wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to do the following:
> 1) Duplicate each method for each calling context
> 2) Rebuild Paddle's context sensitive call graph to take into account 
> this duplication.
> I have coded the first step which duplicates methods and adds them to 
> their respective classes. However, I'm not sure how I can do the 
> second. I've tried previously to run Paddle twice but I get jni errors 
> saying that "bdd_init" has been called twice.
> Any help would be appreciated
> Thanks

Khilan Gudka
PhD Student
Department of Computing
Imperial College London

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