[Soot-list] List of Soot users

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at mail.mcgill.ca
Tue Nov 4 16:58:05 EST 2008

Dear Soot users.

In the past Laurie has compiled a comprehensive list of Soot users,
but as so many things on the web it becomes quickly outdated, and it
would be great if the Soot user community could help us out bringing
it up-to-date. To make this process very easy, I have made this list
available on our wiki page:


If you have used Soot in the past and are ok with letting others know
about it, but are not on this list yet, then please add an entry in
the appropriate section. To edit the page, you can simply sign into
the wiki by entering any CamelCase user name in the box at the bottom
of the page, e.g. AnonymousUser.

Thanks in advance and in case of any questions don't hesitate to contact me.


Eric Bodden
Sable Research Group, McGill University, Montréal, Canada
Got an interesting job offer? http://www.bodden.de/hire-me/

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