[Soot-list] Memory problems in whole-program-mode

Eric Bodden bodden at st.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Wed Aug 19 10:55:03 EDT 2009

> I mean via the Soot Eclipse plugin. Is that a possible problem (apart
> from the memory used by Eclipse, of course)?

Then I think that this is the cause of your problem. If I am not
mistaken, when you use the plugin then Soot will run within the same
JVM as eclipse, sharing eclipse's heap, which is definitely not
recommended when analyzing large programs. Where do you set the
"-Xss512M -Xmx3700M" option? When starting up eclipse?

I would recommend to copy the command line that Soot issues in the
console view and use this command line to run Soot separately, either
from a command prompt or from a launch configuration in Eclipse
(opposed to the plugin, the launch configuration will actually start
up a new JVM).


Eric Bodden
Software Technology Group
Technical University Darmstadt, Germany

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