[Soot-list] Extending Soot

Attila Bartha at.bartha at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 07:44:30 EST 2009



I consider extending soot for other languages, not COBOL, but for instance VisualBasic.

My goal is to reuse the Jimple IR as much as possible, as well as the analysis tools that are based on it.

As Jimple is quite generic, I assume that only few extensions will be required in Jimple.


One big difference is that in VB (at least in the version I use), you can define arguments as In, Out, or InOut. This means, that the current ValueBox concept (useBox vs defBox) is not sufficient. How would you map InOut arguments to Jimple?


Are there already any tools to compile VB to Jimple, VB to bytecode or similar?





From: soot-list-bounces at sable.mcgill.ca [mailto:soot-list-bounces at sable.mcgill.ca] On Behalf Of Khilan Gudka
Sent: Freitag, 4. Dezember 2009 20:57
To: Marcos Chicote
Cc: soot-list at sable.mcgill.ca
Subject: Re: [Soot-list] Extending Soot


Hi Marcos,


One possibility might be to compile cobol to bytecode and then input this to soot. Here are some compilers: 


LegacyJ: http://www.legacyj.com/

isCobol: http://www.veryant.com/products/




2009/12/4 Marcos Chicote <totochicote at gmail.com>

VERY. Could Cobol be translated to Java?


On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Khilan Gudka <khilan at doc.ic.ac.uk> wrote:

Hi Marcos,


How different is your language to Java? Could it be translated to Java?





2009/12/4 Marcos Chicote <totochicote at gmail.com>

Thanks David. 
I don't think I could output jimple. 
What I would like to do is create a new intermediate representation for my language (implementing some soot interfaces o extending some soot class), create a CFG and then use Soot's dataflow engine.

Do you know if this is possible? (and not too complex)


On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 2:30 PM, David Mohr <dmohr at cs.unm.edu> wrote:

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Marcos Chicote <totochicote at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm considering Soot to develop some dataflow analysis in a language other
> than Java.
> My idea is to parse this language X and generate a intermediate
> representation of the language like Jimple and then use Soot's dataflow
> engine for the analysis.
> Is this possible? Has anyone done it? Is there documentation on how to do
> this?

I'm by no means an expert on soot, but you if you can output jimple,
then soot can certainly read it in and process it, just the same as
with Java files.



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