[Soot-list] How can I change method's parameters types

Amir Mehrabi mehrabi at comp.iust.ac.ir
Sat Feb 7 01:26:48 EST 2009

Hi all
I want to change type of my method's parameter
How can I do this?
for example 
I Have a method like :
            public void sample(int a,TestClass c);
I want to change the type of these method to
            public void sample(int a,long c);
when I want to do this in BodyTransformer , soot throws an exception , the 
following code are a portial of my code

protected void internalTransform(Body body,String phasename,Map option){

List lst=body.getMethod().getParameterTypes();
for(int i=0;i< lst.size() ; i++)
body.getMethod.setParameterTypes(lst);          <==== throws an exception

     THROWS :
     Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" 

any body have an idea?!
 Amir Mehrabi Jorshary

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