[Soot-list] The Pos in SourceLnPosTag

Campbell Morrison cammorr at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 08:18:54 EDT 2009

I'm using the SourceLnPosTag to link Jimple statements to the original Java
source code statements, but I'm having some trouble figuring out what the
values in SourceLnPosTag means.  The line number (startLn, endLn) is pretty
self explanatory, but I can't figure out exactly what the pos (startPos,
endPos) variables hold.  I figured that startPos is the position (column
number) of the beginning of the statement in the source file, but it seems
that this isn't always the case.  And endPos is a total blur.  Any
documentation I can check out for help?  The Soot Wiki and API isn't giving
me anything.
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