[Soot-list] Editing the ExceptionalUnitGraph

John Jorgensen jorgnsn at lcd.uregina.ca
Sun Jul 26 12:07:55 EDT 2009

>>>>> "eric.bodden" == Eric Bodden <eric.bodden at mail.mcgill.ca> writes:

    eric.bodden> I am afraid, I don't think that
    eric.bodden> there is any such support. Of course you could
    eric.bodden> modify the UnitGraph or define your own subclass
    eric.bodden> of UnitGraph that generates a graph with the
    eric.bodden> properties you like to begin with. But as you
    eric.bodden> say you don't want to modify your graph. In that
    eric.bodden> case I would suggest to create a custom
    eric.bodden> FlowAnalysis class that handles the units you
    eric.bodden> want to "split" specially.

My understanding of Soot is pretty stale, but my sense is that
the conventional Soot practice (at least in 2003 when I turned
UnitGraph into ExceptionalUnitGraph) is to transform code by
adding or removing Units from Chains.  Then, if you still need a
CFG, you build a new one from the changed Chain.

I.e. In Soot, the CFG classes _inform_ transformations, but don't
_perform_ transformations.

It probably would be more convenient if you could manipulate the
graphs directly, and then have the finished graph write itself
out in a serialized form when complete, but that's not the way
that the Unit graphs were set up.

But other facilities might have been added since my day.

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