[Soot-list] Problems with nested try..catch..finally?

Etienne M. Gagnon egagnon at j-meg.com
Fri Oct 9 16:36:40 EDT 2009

Hi there,

As far as I remember, Soot did inline the code of JSRs to get rid of 
jsr/ret instructions. One problem is that inlining could be trickier 
than one would intuitively think, as you can get out of a "subroutine" 
without going through a RET instruction. So, I wouldn't be surprised if 
there were some corner cases that are improperly handled in Soot. The 
name "JSR" was a poor choice for this instruction, as the instruction 
does a "branch and store address on the stack" operation, nothing more; 
it does not always invoke a "subroutine". (Another problem, which is not 
real in practice, is that, in the worst case, inlining can exponentially 
expand the size of the code).

Jamal Lazaar has developed a theoretical framework that allows the 
analysis of bytecode instructions in presence of JSR/RET instructions, 
in polynonimal time. He actually shows (and proves) how to verify Java 
bytecode. Separately, he uses the computed results (about "subroutimes" 
and JSR/RET relations) to also statically verify that each MONITORENTER 
is properly closed with MONITOREXIT instructions.

I think that the first steps of his algorithm could help in finding the 
appropriate code to duplicate when inlining JSR instructions.

Example (valid bytecode):

static int foo(int) {

  IF_ICMPEQ Label_3
  JSR Label_2
  GOTO Label_1


Yep, I know: this doesn't look like it was generated from Java code. 
Yet, it does match all the rules of Java verification. Have fun inlining 
the JSR. :)


Etienne M. Gagnon, Ph.D.
SableCC:                                            http://sablecc.org

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