[Soot-list] soot purity annotation

Jochen Huck jochen.huck at student.kit.edu
Wed Jul 7 03:38:59 EDT 2010


my analysis needs the information whether a method is pure or not. 
Currently I am using the tool jppa (http://jppa.sourceforge.net/) to 
retrieve the information. Today I recognized that soot can do this job 
as well with --annot-purity. My problem is that the documentation of the 
class soot.jimple.toolkits.annotation.purity.PurityAnalysis says "test, 
test, and test (and correct the potentially infinite bugs)".
Does anybody know if the purity analysis of soot is superior to the jppa 
tool? Did anybody use the soot purity analysis and can share some 

Thank you all in advance!


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