[Soot-list] Setting the soot class path

Ankur Sinha sanjay.ankur at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 09:30:00 EDT 2010


What would be the easiest way to set a soot-class-path. At the moment,
I'm using this:

-soot-class-path <classpath>. 

This is tedious. Also, the soot-class-path option doesn't take
evironment variables IIRC (~ etc don't work). Wild cards don't work
either. If I have a bunch of jars in a folder, I still need to specify
them individually. 

I'm running soot on a lot of sources, and I'd like to be able to dump
all the required jars in a dir and say -soot-class-path <path to
dir>/*jar. It's annoying to sit and let soot give you messages like 

"couldn't find class: org.apache.log4j.Priority (is your soot-class-path
set properly?)" one after another. :(

I'm using eclipse, I keep duplicating the run confs (simplest way I
could think of) and adding whatever jars required. This is what the
current argument looks like:

-soot-class-path /home/dfadrf/Documents/work/IISC/FKache-1.0-beta4/FKache-1.0-beta4.jar:/home/dfadrf/Documents/work/IISC/scannotation-1.0.2.jar:/home/dfadrf/workspace/joeq/bin:/home/dfadrf/workspace/threadv1.0/bin/:/home/dfadrf/Documents/work/IISC/trove-1.0.2.jar:/home/dfadrf/Documents/work/IISC/jgroups-2.10.0.CR1.jar:/home/dfadrf/Documents/work/IISC/Java2HTML/j2h.jar:/home/dfadrf/workspace/chord/bin/:/home/dfadrf/Documents/work/IISC/saxonhe9/saxon9he.jar:/home/dfadrf/Documents/work/IISC/javassist-3.12.GA/javassist.jar:/home/dfadrf/Documents/work/IISC/jdd_103.jar:/home/dfadrf/Documents/work/IISC/concurrent.jar:/home/dfadrf/Documents/work/IISC/JavaBDD/javabdd-1.0b2.jar:/home/dfadrf/workspace/joeq/lib/jwutil-1.0.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk- -w --app Sample -p cg.spark on -f n -p cg.spark vta:true

Long!! :(

Easier way please?


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